Your Dog’s Best Day Begins at Park Your Paws of Columbus - North


Park Your Paws of Columbus - North

4366 Indianola Avenue

Columbus, OH 43214

(614) 262-7297

[email protected]

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We proudly serve Clintonville, Columbus, Westerville, and surrounding neighborhoods.

Need a groom for your pup from the best groomers in the city? Both daycare and non-daycare clients are welcome. You can get pricing/service info at Jen’s Nose to Tail or you can book directly from here.

Columbus - North Services

Columbus - North Pricing & Hours

7 Days Per Week: 7am - 6:30pm

Holidays may have different hours, please speak with our staff.

    • Pay per Play: $34/day


      • Pack Cub: 1 day per week - $30/weekly

      • Pack Warrior: 2 days per week - $56/weekly

      • Pack Hero: 3 days per week - $78/weekly

      • Pack Elder: Unlimited days - $120/weekly

      • Pack Alpha: Unlimited plus included services - $245/weekly

    • $45/night for Home-style Crate

    • $55/night for Suite

    * siblings may share a suite for a discount.

    • Grooming pricing varies based on service. You can call or text (614) 321-5035 to get pricing or schedule an appointment. You can also book online at the Jen’s Nose to Tail website.

    • Please contact our staff to setup an evaluation.

Now is the time to

Join Our Pack!

We hope you believe, as we do, that your dog deserves to have Fun All Day at one of our doggy daycares, hang with us on a doggy vaca, or take advantage of our myriad wellness services!

Your next step is simply signing up for a Temperament Test to begin the admissions process.

You’re this close!

Check Out Our Other Location

Park Your Paws of Columbus - Downtown

401 E Mound St, Columbus, OH 43215